Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My Last Semester as a Weber State Student

FILE-Austen Snow (left) is shown in Ogden, Utah, in this Oct. 17, 2009, file photo. Snow has been a Weber State University student since 2008 and will be receiving both his associate’s degree and becoming a BYU student next semester, announced Friday August 5, 2011 and Friday October 7, 2011 in Ogden and Kaysville, Utah (Austen Snow, File).
The purpose of this blog is to highlight my final semester at Weber State University, both through attending big Weber State events like football and basketball games.

I will also write about my personal life in terms of major transitions I’ve encountered as a student, such as being accepted to another college and working in a volunteer organization.  I will also write how those events have helped me to become a better student as well.

I will also write about the important preparations that I’m making to adjust to a new life at BYU, such as  going on a BYU orientation tour.

I believe that these events will allow others to understand how hard work, dedication, and some personal fun can help in achieving student goals as well.